Formosa, the Old Train 台灣,老火車

"Theme on Yi Lan folk tune, Diu Diu Dang A"

  • Duration5 minutes
  • InstrumentationSolo Piano
  • Year Composed2010
  • Commissioned byJenny Lin
  • PremiereJenny Lin, piano
    Taiwan Culture Center Presents "Taiwan Night 2010 Concert" (台灣文化中心音樂會 - 2010年台灣之夜音樂會), May 7, 2010 at Robert E. Parilla Performing Arts Center, Washington, D.C.
  • YCK Score Preview
  • YCK Score Preview
  • YCK Score Preview

Program Notes

Formosa, the Old Train is dedicated to pianist Jenny Lin. This piece is based on a theme from the folk tune Diu Diu Dang A, from Yi-Lan, Taiwan. The original tune recreates the sound of a traveling train while the text acts as an onomatopoeia that imitates the sound of water droplets on the roof of the train. I was drawn to this simple melody because of the vivid image, soundscape and charming characteristics. I composed this piece by fusing the original folk tune with techniques from western contemporary music. Ying-Chen Kao, 2010

Ying-Chen Kao


這首“台灣,老火車”鋼琴獨奏曲是一首且饒富趣味的觸技曲,題獻給台灣旅美鋼琴家林佳靜。作品的靈感是取汲於宜蘭民謠“丟丟銅仔” 。原曲採用輕快的旋律象徵火車的快速行馳,並於歌詞中巧妙運用擬聲法來表達水滴滴在老舊火車車頂的光景。我不自主的被這生動的情境、清晰的影像和俏皮的曲調所吸引。 “台灣, 老火車” 融合了不僅是現代西方音樂的作曲理念和強烈而錯縱複雜的節奏,同時也保存了 “丟丟銅仔” 中不可或缺且清晰明瞭的旋律。

高盈真, 2010



台灣之夜音樂會 作曲家新秀輩出 | 許惠敏, 世界新聞網 (World Journal)
上半場獨挑大樑的是紐約知名鋼琴家林佳靜。...林佳靜以台、英雙語介紹李元貞、周子鈴、高盈真、顏名秀四位作曲新秀。林佳靜指出,台灣作曲人才輩出,年紀輕輕表現卻令樂壇刮目相看,這次介紹的四位女作曲家都在25歲以下,作品各有特色。 高盈真是琵琶第音樂學院博士候選人,為此次音樂會改編宜蘭民謠「丟丟銅仔」為鋼琴獨奏曲,並委託林佳靜為該曲作處女演出,高盈真也在演出後,和林佳靜一起謝幕。"

[Dissertation] An Annotated Catalogue and Guide to the Piano Solo Repertoire of Contemporary Asian Women Composers from Mainland China, Hong Kong, and Taiwan | By Chun (Paige) Li
"In “Formosa, the Old Train,” Ying-Chen Kao borrows not only the melody of the folk song but also the subject matter and imagery of the text. In the music we hear both the original melody and the sound of the spinning wheels created by the accompanying figurations."